Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Justin Bieber made Selena Gomez a marriage proposal

Justin Bieber made Selena Gomez  ​​before they're separating a marriage proposal, but Sel refused. Now Justin wants to finish final and sweeps Selena even from his song. All the details here!

If it's true what "Blind Gossip" reports currently, it takes a whole new view of the separation of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. For there it is, Justin is said to have made ​​his Selena before separation to marry him, but she refused and told him to ask again later. This he did and asked Sel allegedly even a second time, but she turned him down again, because they are not for the step should have been ready.

A source said "Blind Gossip" that the two have decided to keep the marriage prospects of Justin secret: "You have agreed never to talk about the proposals, it would be defamatory to him, if people find out that! smaller star has dismissed a major star. "Jus so it must have made doubly hard when Sel left him for trust issues ...

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